Hi all,
I would like to use Grsecurity RBAC model to protect some files of my servers (daemons and their config files).
However I am facing a problem.
When installing servers, we are using masters to have the same image deployed everywhere.
Then, to deploy software, we are using scripts to copy both binaries and configuration files from a master to the server.
Therefore, I need my "installation" user to by able to write files in folders like /etc.
In addition, my "installation user" shall also be able to remove some files for maintenance purpose in the same folder.
Thus, my "installation" user needs to have write access to folder such as /etc.
Is there a way to prevent an attacker that reached Root user, to switch (su) to "installation" user and modify my config files ?
In such a non-interactive administration, i don't know if it is possible to use the gr administrator profile...
Hope it was clear enough.