Thanks for your help!
I've got two more problems.
1. I run boinc (distributed computing) and everytime I enable gradm it terminates the boinc (cannot use shared memory or smth like that). When I enable gradm I get this warning:
- Code: Select all
Warning: write access is allowed to your subject for /home/malkec/BOINC/boinc in role malkec. Please ensure that the subject is running with less privilege than the default subject.
2. While gradm is enabled, I can't do any commands like w, netstat, ps aux (root user) but I can do all these commands with uid=1001 user (special group user). What am I doing wrong?
I will leave the learning mode on for a week now to see what happens. Won't do anything on the server. Just hope gradm won't stop boinc, which it already did when I enabled the learning mode. I hope boinc will start to run in an hour