as it often happens in the world of computers, real life comparisons tend to fall on their face. in this particular case, PaX would be more like a particularly strong alloy that you can use to build an axe, not a complete ready-to-use tool per se. next try?Platyna wrote:Pax Team, it is a philosphy comparable with making an axe and be surprised people uses it for wood cutting not children toy.
and so wrong you are... since the very first day of the existence of PaX (exactly 5.5 years ago, FWIW) it was meant to be used on end-user systems as well, to the extent that ever since i've been running it myself just to know what it is like (eating one's own cake or something). eventually others have followed suit and we began to work out all the little (or not so little) issues that arose. it's been a long process but the outcome of that work is that hardened gentoo users these days have the chance to run with full PaX (including NOELFRELOCS) and their choice of access control system. you can't build a comparably secure *and* usable desktop on the market, whether free software or commercial.Such patches like grsecurity have no point besides production environment, people on their workstations don't need features grsecurity provides people
and the reason you want a secure desktop is because client side attacks are much more powerful and viable (even more so than they were 5 years ago).
now that was a mouthful, wasn't it . i won't analyze it in detail as there're too many logical fallacies in it, i'd just like to ask you one (rhetorical) question: what if i don't enjoy supporting PaX on 2.6? chess-mate?We all appreciate non for profit effort but it requires attitude which actually fits to the idea of such software, otherwise you may just abandon the project because you are only wasting your precious time and start developing an MP3 player. Usually people starts non for profit initiatives to enjoy them, and for other people to share this joy, but you, instead of enjoying the fact your work has gained respect among sysadmins who do serious and responsible work and puts considerable amount of trust in this project, behave like we were some annoyance.