by bluefoxicy » Thu Dec 11, 2003 12:27 pm
*rolls his eyes* You people are weird.
Let me start by saying that this message isn't in the friendliest tone. I've heard things bouncing back and forth in the past few months that don't make me happy, and if I'm wrong on something, that's fine, go ahead and correct me on it, but bring some sort of proof to back up your claims. If you just say I'm stupid and don't understand something, but you don't give any technical reasoning for it, I'm going to assume you just don't get what I'm talking about, or just don't want to admit you're wrong.
First off, you need to separate out GRSECURITY into, say, GRKERNEL and GRACL. GRKERNEL could be all those lovely patches that randomize TCP ISNs and PIDs and that lock down chroot() jails; and GRACL could be the ACL system. Why? Because this is security, not a pissing contest. You don't need to tantrum about not getting your ACL system into the kernel, or not liking the way they're doing things. GET WHAT YOU CAN IN.
Second. LSM. I agree with Brad here. There IS a potential securiy hazzard of rootkits grabbing the exported security hooks and getting through kernel security, IF the ACL system is not set up properly AND if those security hooks have their symbols exported. This is not proven, but secadmins should not be forced to have these symbols exported. Easy solution.
I have a possible solution to this one. Spender, go talk to some of the other security projects, like Amon from RSBAC, and come up with a good set of hooks for LSM. ALSO. Suggest and possibly provide code to support that LSM modules can be staticly compiled into the kernel, so that the symbols do not have to be exported OUT of the kernel. If we are not going to load modules, then we should be able to avoid exporting all these nasty symbols and thus not have to worry about anyone rooting out the kernel unless they have /dev/[k]mem support, right?
Third. I don't believe in this technical impossibility you keep blathering about. Even if GRSEC doesn't use LSM hooks, LSM and GRSEC can work together, if they're aware of eachother. It's WORK, yes. It can be done, though. These are my views, and until I hear something more than "OMG LSM CAN NOT WORK WITH GRSECURITY HAHAAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA LOLZ WTF ROFL!!!!!111111111113", something that intelligently supports these claims, I will keep these views. You don't have to like it, you don't have to argue with me about it, you don't have to correct me on it; but if you want to, bring something to back yourself up or I'm going to dismiss you as just another guy whining about it being cold at the dick-measuring contest.
-- john