kernel: [23703.198490] grsec: From <ipaddr>: (root:U:/sbin/gradm_pam) denied access to hidden file /etc/krb5.conf by /sbin/gradm_pam[gradm_pam:21933] uid/euid:0/0 gid/egid:0/0, parent /sbin/gradm[gradm:21932] uid/euid:0/0 gid/egid:0/0
My C is very rusty, but I believe the following in gradm_adm.c should allow kerberos to work over port 88
- Code: Select all
/* for kerberos */
proto = gr_getprotobyname("tcp");
memset(&ip, 0, sizeof (ip));
ip.low = 88;
ip.high = 88;
ip.type = (1U << SOCK_STREAM);
ip.proto[IPPROTO_IP / 32] |= (1U << (IPPROTO_IP % 32));
ip.proto[proto->p_proto / 32] |= (1U << (proto->p_proto % 32));
add_ip_acl(current_subject, GR_IP_CONNECT, &ip);
- Code: Select all
ADD_OBJ("/etc/krb5.conf", "r");