PaX Team wrote:i'm not sure i understood what you're after as the referenced paper has nothing to do with the userland protection features you said you cared about

Basically I'd like to have PAX security but I don't want to affect system performance too much, that's why I asked about the performance hit (if any) on 64bit cpus.
The Kguard paper says, "The PaX-protected kernel exhibits a latency ranging between 5.6% and 257% (average 84.5%) on the x86, whereas on x86-64, the latency overhead ranges between 19% and 531% (average 172.2%)". OTOH the previous benchmarks by Pedro Venda (2005) at ... rformance/ seemed to favor 64 bit vs 32 bit (but then again, I'm not an expert and might have got it wrong, that's why I asked in the first place).
PaX Team wrote:it's best that you measure them yourself on your config&arch as different features have different impact
Ok. Can you suggest a valid benchmarking tool? I'm more interested in simulating real-world performance rather than purely synthetic numbers. My system is Debian on Intel i7 (Haswell).
Thanks for your reply.