Seems you 've broken or empty www page describing mailing lists at the grsecurity.net.
At least that seems from the Netscape Communicator 4.78 browser..
I'm experincing problems w/ gpg - it segmentation faults & in log I see that grsecurity
doesn't allow it to run, since it tryes to mmap an executable.I've downloaded chpax & removed all
possible restrictions from the gpg binary. This doesn't help. But running gpg as root does help. When I'm
executing as root I'm finishing OK. Could you comment this? I oftenly use gpg as ordinary user to encrypt my personal data. Since this it appear to be quite ugly situation - I need to reboot to
unprotected kernel each time I need to use gpg or run my MUA that also capable to use gpg as root. :(
Can I do somthing w/ this? I'm running customly configured kernel 2.4.18 with custom security level &
also with international crypto patch (test version for 2.2.18). I've enabled almost everything but network protection within grsecurity options. Could you comment this? :-?