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Developing on a grsec kernel

PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 7:59 am
by Someone
Is it sensible to run grsec on a developers machine, where I have ever changing and writable executables? I played around with the policies and I haven't found a sound way to support a "developers playground". If I understand gresc correctly, I would have to manage a subject for every executable that I compile? It also disallowed vim me to call a self compiled library:
Code: Select all
grsec: (<user>:U:/usr/bin/vim) denied load of writable library /home/<user>/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe/third_party/ycmd/ by /usr/bin/vim[vim:26090] uid/euid:1000/1000 gid/egid:1000/1000, parent /usr/bin/zsh[zsh:24799] uid/euid:1000/1000 gid/egid:1000/1000

How would you do that?

Re: Developing on a grsec kernel

PostPosted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 8:30 pm
by spender
You can create subjects on directories, so just create/run the binaries under the defined base directory and you won't need to create individual subjects for each binary. For your vim example, you'll need to add "O" to the subject mode for vim, since the default subject for your role is able to write to the library (see: ... ject_Modes).
