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Why does systemd need to have"SSL Certificate/LUKS Password

PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2014 5:44 pm
by mikeeusa2
Why does systemd need to have "SSL Certificate/LUKS Password handling"?

Is it so the password to our partitions can be leaked via the Xthousand undiscovered bugs in the giant mass that is systemd?
(10 x more complex than the next biggest init (launchd), which is I don't know how many times more code than systemv/openrc/and bsd init).

I was just wondering.
I'm not going to be upgrading to the next debian, since a few people in important positions has forced redhat's octopus on all the users (as in every other distro). I'll probably be sticking to whatever linux I have now forever. Getting off this train.

Hope grsecurity and pax can do the job of protecting an ancient system that cannot be upgraded because to upgrade would be to obey the powers that control us all. (Poettering being the implementator of their will).

I so much dislike this country and the culture it forces on every place in the world it takes over (latest being afghanistan)
SystemD, and the way it is "promoted", feels some how similar.

Re: Why does systemd need to have"SSL Certificate/LUKS Passw

PostPosted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 6:31 am
by mikeeusa2
Some months have passed.

Debian never had a General Resolution, but instead shoved systemd through a committie back door (4 people decided not having systemd as default was a "technical bug")
Opposition on the mailing list was scilenced, messages deleted, accounts banned. Same thing as in arch linux, and a repeat of when debian-women came into existance
(anyone against them was shown the door, they now vet any possible debian "dev" (read: packager) for proper social beliefs).
Now trovalds has came out in muted support of systemd and bad mouthing unix as an Idea relevant to the present world, when just weeks ago he had quite negative things to say
(guess he likes money, well he's chained to some woman and all, a good civilized chap)

Fuck systemd.