unsecure policy
Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 5:08 am
I'm trying to make secure policy - config http://pastebin.com/6QWFLWL5
There are following lines:
dont-reduce-path /home
read-protected-path /home
high-protected-path /home
but policy is missing /home and many other directories in many subjects and /home remains accessible
# Role: root
subject /bin/cut o {
/ h
/bin/cut x
/dev h
/etc/ld.so.cache r
/lib64/ld-2.14.1.so x
/lib64/libc-2.14.1.so rx
/mnt h
/mnt/md3 h
/proc h
bind disabled
connect disabled
There are following lines:
dont-reduce-path /home
read-protected-path /home
high-protected-path /home
but policy is missing /home and many other directories in many subjects and /home remains accessible
# Role: root
subject /bin/cut o {
/ h
/bin/cut x
/dev h
/etc/ld.so.cache r
/lib64/ld-2.14.1.so x
/lib64/libc-2.14.1.so rx
/mnt h
/mnt/md3 h
/proc h
bind disabled
connect disabled