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Needing Older Backported Patch

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 3:34 am
by felosi
I sent this as email to spender but I know he is probably real busy and I never got any responsde form other emails in the past so I figured I would post this here in hopes that someone in the grsecurity team will help me.

I know this is probably an unusual request but I have this centos5 system that will only work right with It was the kernel I first installed when building the system. The problem is with other kernels when they boot up all processes go up to like 100% cpu and eventually become unresponsive. For a while there I thought I had it fixed and was running with other kernels now it only runs with again.

I was wondering if you have this patch archive somewhere with the fixes for the latest exploits released by you and a few others so I can backport the patches into it and be safe. I cannot find an archive on your site like this. Do you have this patch backported to include the latest fixes? If not can you do this for me? I will pay any reasonable price or donation.

Please let me know as soon as you can as I am now running this kernel which is probably vuln to all latest exploits and like I said I will pay any reasonable price or donation. I am just a small hosting business so I cannot afford too much so be reasonable.

Thanks and I hope you can help me here.

Re: Needing Older Backported Patch

PostPosted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 2:57 pm
by PaX Team
felosi wrote:I know this is probably an unusual request but I have this centos5 system that will only work right with It was the kernel I first installed when building the system. The problem is with other kernels when they boot up all processes go up to like 100% cpu and eventually become unresponsive. For a while there I thought I had it fixed and was running with other kernels now it only runs with again.
sorry but we really don't have the time or motivation to support old versions. instead it'd be better if we figured out what causes your high CPU usage problem. could you look at your kernel logs (netconsole may be useful to get them in your situation) and see if there're any oops/stack dumps/etc reported in there when the problem triggers?