I've read countless posts on this forum and many sites on the web regarding grsecurity and java.
I believe I found old posts from people running older versions of the Linux kernel, jre/sdk and gresecurity that actually got java running without it getting a SIG11 fairly often.
I've done the suggested chpax commands and even gone as far as 'chpax -pemrxs' all the binaries. Still, every so often I get a SIG11 sent to java.
Things *seem* to be working fine, so that makes me think that the majority of this java application is working fine. But the fact that I get fairly regular logs indicating the SIG11 bothers me and makes me think that something deep dark and ugly is going on.
I'm on debian stable, custom built kernel version 2.4.31 with MEDIUM grsecurity turned on, and j2sdk1.4.2_07.
If anyone has gotten a similarly new configuration with Linux, grsecurity and java working, please let me know what you are running and how you got it working without the frequent SIG11s.