first of all, thanks a lot for providing grsecurity! i would like to know that, is the grsecurity and nvidia work together? i googled it (for my case) and searched the forum but i couldnt find the answer. i compiled latest vanilla kernel with grsecurity-2.1.14- without error in Debian Lenny. kernel boots successfuly and everthing seem to work except, when i try to compile nvidia drivers with native nvidia package, it fails. i tried many times but no luck.
i configured grsecurity with custom options and all are checked as y except Deny writing to /dev/kmem. /dev/mem, and /dev/port left empty, Disable privileged I/O. this is the nvidia error when compiles.
WARNING: Unable to perform the runtime configuration check for library 'libGL.so.1' (/usr/lib/libGL.so.185.18.36); assuming successful installation.
i modified the grsecurity sysctl to load the modules auto and not to hide the kernel symbols and the other restrictions one by one, but no luck. i chpax'ed Xorg and glxinfo the rebooted. nvidia module loads but X server wont start. it complains that 'module ramdac already built-in'. if i remove the nvidia form xorg.conf, then Xserver starts without error. could you help please?