ov 14 00:17:35 cb kernel: PAX: terminating task: /bin/bash(sh):26692, uid/euid:
0/0, PC: 202af440, SP: 5bedefd4
Nov 14 00:17:35 cb kernel: PAX: bytes at PC: cd 80 c3 00 0e 00 00 00 b0 02 00 00
04 00 00 00 94 a0 29 20
Nov 14 00:17:39 cb kernel: PAX: From terminating task: /usr/sbin/e
xim(exim):9360, uid/euid: 47/0, PC: 23c6a440, SP: 58056244
Nov 14 00:17:39 cb kernel: PAX: bytes at PC: cd 80 c3 00 0e 00 00 00 b0 02 00 00
04 00 00 00 94 50 c5 23
Nov 14 00:17:44 cb kernel: PAX: From terminating task: /usr/sbin/ex
im(exim):29475, uid/euid: 47/0, PC: 2dde9440, SP: 5d62d1e4
Nov 14 00:17:44 cb kernel: PAX: bytes at PC: cd 80 c3 00 0e 00 00 00 b0 02 00 00
04 00 00 00 94 40 dd 2d
Nov 14 00:17:45 cb kernel: PAX: From terminating task: /usr/bin
/perl(eximstatspass):18644, uid/euid: 0/0, PC: 271b8440, SP: 5d8d63d4
Nov 14 00:17:45 cb kernel: PAX: bytes at PC: cd 80 c3 00 0e 00 00 00 b0 02 00 00
04 00 00 00 94 30 1a 27
Nov 14 00:17:52 cb kernel: PAX: From terminating task: /usr/sbin
/exim(exim):6416, uid/euid: 47/0, PC: 2d061440, SP: 5a21d484
Nov 14 00:17:52 cb kernel: PAX: bytes at PC: cd 80 c3 00 0e 00 00 00 b0 02 00 00
04 00 00 00 94 c0 04 2d
Nov 14 00:17:59 cb kernel: PAX: From terminating task: /bin/bas
h(system):29493, uid/euid: 0/0, PC: 2fb78440, SP: 5e2f1284
Nov 14 00:17:59 cb kernel: PAX: bytes at PC: cd 80 c3 00 0e 00 00 00 b0 02 00 00
04 00 00 00 94 30 b6 2f
Nov 14 00:17:59 cb kernel: PAX: From terminating task: /bin/bas
h(system):9421, uid/euid: 0/0, PC: 2b034440, SP: 59fb69e4
Nov 14 00:17:59 cb kernel: PAX: bytes at PC: cd 80 c3 00 0e 00 00 00 b0 02 00 00
04 00 00 00 94 f0 01 2b
Nov 14 00:17:59 cb kernel: PAX: From terminating task: /bin/bas
h(system):26680, uid/euid: 0/0, PC: 247f8440, SP: 5d1aecb4
Nov 14 00:17:59 cb kernel: PAX: bytes at PC: cd 80 c3 00 0e 00 00 00 b0 02 00 00
04 00 00 00 94 30 7e 24
The /var/log/messages is full of hundreds of these lines, I couldn't log into SSH, after asking for the username and password it returned a sig 9, presumably bash being killed off, also any service that authenicated such as email or FTP was not working correctly.
I ask the data center to investigate and reboot the server, they reboot the server however said it paniced on reboot, or didn't boot properly, so they reverted it back to their "approved stock kernel" - nasty performance and told me to leave it alone. I miss the GrSecurity kernel, however they've enforced a $75 reboot/kernel-selection fee now for any other kernel than their approved one so I am very warey about trying it again.
The thing is that cPanel/WHM (a control panel that runs on top of Red Hat) performs it updates just after midnight, the same time things went belly up, but from what I can make out it only updated Perl packages and no other core stuff, but it may have done.
Any ideas what could have caused this?
What options shall I select to completely disable PAX in kernel-config?