PAX_MEMORY_SANITIZE functionality explanation

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PAX_MEMORY_SANITIZE functionality explanation

Postby rmartelloni » Tue Apr 01, 2014 9:05 am


where can I find a simple explanation on how works PAX_MEMORY_SANITIZE functionality ?

My knowledge on linux internals and probably on computer architecture is not enough to understand how that functionality works.
As far I've understood in a very simplistic way SLAB are abstract data type allocated on several pages.

If I sanitize a page and slabs are made on pages, why I need to sanitize it again when I deallocate it ?
In other terms, why page and slabs can be sanitized separately ?

Then, when a user space process stops to run and it's terminated, pages are released and so sanitized ?
Or I need to wait that the slabs used by the process are released and then sanitize to be sure that the memory used by the process is not more analyzable from a forensic point of view ?

I'm sure I'm very confused about how everything works. Someone can explain it ?

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Joined: Thu Feb 06, 2014 10:35 am

Re: PAX_MEMORY_SANITIZE functionality explanation

Postby spender » Tue Apr 01, 2014 9:56 am


Sorry, we don't provide free support to a multi-billion dollar company that sells devices using grsecurity while violating the license of its GPL license and that of all other GPL code on the devices. Your MX900 and Petro series of products don't ship with the associated source code, nor is any written offer provided for the source code. Purchasers of these products have no idea at all that they use GPL-licensed software or that they have a right to its modified source code. It's fitting that a company profiting off the exploitation of open-source developers that license under the GPL (and not BSD) for a reason would come here for free support. Fitting, but incredibly rude.

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