openbsd comparison questions

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openbsd comparison questions

Postby metrix1 » Thu Mar 13, 2003 9:23 am


I just noticed on the page comparing grsecurity to OpenBSD among other platforms, that OpenBSD fails many of the chroot tests. I have been unable to find much information on this, such as what tests were performed etc.

Could you give some more information, or point to a source of info? For example, if you used a simple break-out-of-chroot program, could you make said program available?

OpenBSD takes pride in being a secure operaing system, if there chroot implementation is easly broke out of, I would think this would be quite meaningfull, yet it has not been discussed anywhere I can find.

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Joined: Thu Mar 13, 2003 9:14 am

Re: openbsd comparison questions

Postby PaX Team » Thu Mar 13, 2003 11:06 am

metrix1 wrote:I have been unable to find much information on this, such as what tests were performed etc.

Could you give some more information, or point to a source of info? For example, if you used a simple break-out-of-chroot program, could you make said program available?
i believe this is what was used in the tests:
PaX Team
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