We wanted to appliy grsec patch 2.9.1 on kernel 3.4.39 that obviously failed (it works for kernel 3.4.7, though).
I also heard that the grsecurity community does not really focus on kernel 3.4 but on 3.6 that is marked as EOL
in the meantime.
Before we talk about the technical part why it failed for kernel 3.4.39, I'm rather more interested in the focus of
the community. We are not interested in upgrading to kernel 3.4 if you do not "really" support it.
The reason why we don't use kernel 3.2 is because we experienced some issues (that no one else seems to have
or they don't worry about them) and kernel 3.4 has some features we rely on.
Thank you for your feedback!
Best regards